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 Sections    and Info

Meet The Folks

Mrs. Tanya Eckstein

Band director

Mr. Richard Eckstein

Co-Band Director

Who We Are


We are the Mt.Vernon Mighty Tiger Band! We strive to do the best we can do whether it be a football game, concert, or marching contest.



What We Do


We as a band create music.  We creat beautiful performances for your viewing pleasure. We always go above and beyond in all that we do.


What We Believe


We believe that we can achieve greatness if we work hard and perservier towards our goal. We are looking forward to a great new Marching season! The Marching majors march competitevely in field show competitions, as well as provide a spirited student organization to support various facets of Mount Vernon High School. Marching bands have evolved greatly from their start. Today's field shows are challenging to the performer both musically and athletically. Many observers liken a marching band to "The Sport of the Arts", as the performers train similarly to an athlete, as well as perform for assessment and entertainment. Apart from the demands, it is still a musical art form, giving students a wonderful opportunity to express themselves, while learning how to work together.



How We Work


We work as a team, and in the process become a family. No one is left behind.


We dream, explore, create and perform.
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